So these are some of my favorite pieces, hope you enjoy them too
This one was basically just a doodle. I started with the face and went from there, drawing whatever came to mind basically.
"Gone, Gone, Gone...." |
This one started out as a tattoo design for a friend and I loved the sketch so much I had to finish it.
"The Lighthouse" |
My representation of being "on fire for the Lord"
"On Fire" |
There's not much explanation for this one other than the fact that I wanted to draw a Phoenix
"Phoenix" |
I've always loved trying to interpret verses from the bible to show what I see in my minds eye and this one actually came out good lol
"Revelation 12" |
This one was inspired by the worship song "Here is our King". I had already drawn something similar to this and when I was at church one weekend this just popped into my head
"Unfold" |